Before We Dive In
Getting Started: Hidden Tricks for Common Charts
Grab Attention with Non-Standard Charts
Adding Interactivity to Charts
Create Visually-Rich Tables using Conditional Formatting
Visually-Rich Tables using Custom Number Formats & Special Fonts
S06 Save Time with Branded Corporate Themes & PowerPoint Hacks

Introduction and scope

Welcome to the Effective Charts & Visualizations course.

The course is organized into 6 sections as follows:

  1. S01 Getting Started: Hidden Tricks for Common Charts
  2. S02 Grab Attention with Non-Standard Charts
  3. S03 Adding Interactivity to Charts
  4. S04 Create Visually-Rich Tables using Conditional Formatting
  5. S05 Visually-Rich Tables using Custom Number Formats & Special Fonts
  6. S06 Save Time with Branded Corporate Themes & PowerPoint Hacks

While there is no strict order in the way you should take the lessons, you’re advised to firm up the concepts about chart properties and how to customize chart elements, covered within section 1.

You can then follow any order.

You can email us at datacycleanalytics@gmail.com if you need any help. We’re glad to assist.


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